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Date | Name | Affiliation | Other Observers | Instrument | Hours Observed | Hours Lost | Reason | Observing Program |
02/26/2025 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | n/a | ARC | 8 | 0 | Other | EB program, T CrB monitor and ASASSN 24fw. I noticed that first half of night following things from E to W that the dome would lag tele by almost 40 degrees and there was a slight gradient across the field (no moon). I tried homing the dome and turning auto dome off/on and reset but it still stayed about 33 deg separate. This gradient seemed less or gone when I completely moved to a newly rising object far E for the rest of the night and was only 6 degrees separation of dome/tele, so is this gradient some vignetting??? |
02/25/2025 | William Keel | University of Alabama | 3 cats | ARC CCD | 8 | 1 | Software/Control PC Issues | AGN-ionized clouds. Focus 504700, guider focus 32550. Weird event: started 60m exposure. Looked in later, noticed that the wrong filter was in place. On closer inspection, it had been running shorter exposures in the filter sequence in the sequence tab (though I clicked on the ACE Simple button). Restarted exposure - then countdown clock was running at something like 10x clock speed. I unchecked all lines in the sequence tab and things returned to normal. |
02/25/2025 | Emily Cunningham | Texas A&M University - Commerce | None | - | 11 | 0 | No problems to report | NA |
02/22/2025 | Aarran Shaw | Butler | N/A | CCD | 7.5 | 0 | No problems to report | Great night, my first good night at KP in a while. Observed an intermediate polar. |
02/21/2025 | Ken Rumstay | VSU (Emeritus) | None | CCD camera | 10.5 | 0.3 | Other | AGN variability program.
Telescope pointing and tracking very good. When I started to take evening flat field frames I discovered that light was not reaching the CCD camera. Following Keefe Kamp's (email message of February 16th) I suspected that the spectrograph arm was blocking the beam. Recycling power to the spectrograph remedied the problem. |
02/14/2025 | Gary Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | CCD & Spectrograph | 0 | 10 | Humidity | High humidity, rain and snow threat for night. |
02/13/2025 | Gary Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | CCD & Spectrograph | 0 | 10 | Clouds | Heavy cloud cover all night. |
02/12/2025 | Gary Henson | ETSU | none | CCD & Spectrograph | 0 | 10 | Clouds | Not scheduled for the night, but tracking weather for the week and night would be lost to clouds anyway. |
02/10/2025 | Gary Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | CCD & Spectrograph | 8 | 2 | Clouds | No problems to report, some intermediate cirrus clouds with bright moon first couple hours then mostly clear skies. |
02/08/2025 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | na | ARC | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | Lots of high thin clouds all night with an hour here and there mostly clear, but was still able to get a couple eclipses in. |
02/07/2025 | William Keel | University of Alabama | 3 cats | ARC CCD | 9.5 | 0 | No problems to report | H II regions. Focus 500500, guider focus 32800. Seeing was good, so focus needed frequent tweaking to take advantage. Still see vignetting on W side; did an exI\posure sequence with dome tracking off as a test. |
02/06/2025 | James | Agnes Scott | Roper | ARC Camera | 0 | 8 | Equipment Failure | ARC camera failure |
02/06/2025 | Matt Wood | ETAMU | NA | CCD | 13 | 0 | Equipment Failure | Time series of CVs. Thank you to Kurtis Williams for reminding me the procedure for getting the auto guider working, and to Bill Keel for posting the starting focus value of ~31000 for focus for that.
Problem: The x-stage does not seem to be moving at all. Every position gives the same field. I was fortunate to have a star in the position it is at, but pointed away from the galactic plane it could be an issue. Overall an excellent night. |
02/05/2025 | Matt Wood | ETAMU | NA | CCD | 13 | 0 | No problems to report | Time series obs of CVs. Seeing 1" most of the night. Focus 488300-49100.
CCD only cooling to -33C. Peter checked in early night and noted he'll pump it down again on Thursday. |
02/01/2025 | Martha A. Leake | Valdosta State University | Norlund | Leach CCD | 0 | 12 | Connection Issues | Connection issues may have resulted from recent internet problems at VSU. Not expected as other computers nearby able to connect. Radmin messages noted TPI/IP errors or connectivity failure. No one responded to available telescope. Weather fine. |
01/31/2025 | William Keel | University of Alabama | 1 cat. | ARC CCD | 8 | 3 | Clouds | AGN emission clouds. Focus 489000 (but it slid around a lot, once messing up a 60m exposure). Had to re-initialize guider focus; afterward good value is 31250. Guider x-stage may not be moving. Tried short darks during night and short light exposures with mirror cover closed, trying to track down apparent stray light. |
01/31/2025 | Jadia Ewing | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | Stephen Gillam | 0.9 meter | 7 | 0 | Other | No big problems to report. Just wanted to note that counts for bias level seemed to come from interference with shutters closed. Was not sure why. Other than that observing was good. |
01/29/2025 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | na | ARC | 0 | 11 | Humidity | Never opened due to high humidity and threat of snow. Connected earlier to check after internet outage that was reported for firewall updates and it seemed fine to the telescope (didn't check cam pc). |
01/26/2025 | Stephen Gillam | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | TJ Matney | SARA South 0.9m | 9.75 | 0 | No problems to report | N/A |
01/25/2025 | Stephen Gillam | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Beach | TJ Matney, Jadia Ewing | SARA North 0.9m | 7 | .5 | Wind | MaxIm DL stopped responding at 2030 local time. Restarted program.
Closed dome at 220 local time due to sustained high wind. |
01/25/2025 | Stephen Gillam | ERAU | None | Leach camera | 1 | 9 | Clouds | Microvariables. |
01/23/2025 | Hodari James | Agnes Scott | AST 200L Students | ARC Camera | 5 | 0 | No problems to report | AST 200L Training |
01/22/2025 | William Keel | University of Alabama | 4 cats | ARC CCD | 5 | 6 | Clouds | AGN-ionized clouds; did extra flats and targets at a wide dec range to check recent possible dome issues. Focus 481600, guider focus 0. I saw a recurrence of the weird QSI multi-image readout problem (where the same star would show up multiple times on the same column, usually cured by repeating the exposure). |
01/20/2025 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 6 | 0 | No problems to report | No problems, although I could never get a good focus. M31, variable star. |
01/19/2025 | Robert Berrington | Ball State University | none | arc | 10.5 | 0 | No problems to report | Connection was slow at the beginning of the night, and terminated my connection a few times, but did not affect the observations. |
01/17/2025 | Yong Sheng | Clemson University | Dieter Hartmann | Leach BVRI | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | Clemson University transients study. |
01/10/2025 | Yong Sheng | Clemson University | Dieter Hartmann | CCD BVRI | 0 | 12 | Equipment Failure | The dome is not communicating, can't open the dome. |
01/07/2025 | Berrington | Ball State University | none | arc | 0 | 12 | Other | Mountain was closed due to dust and smoke warning. |
01/08/2025 | Gary Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | CCD & Spectrograph | 0 | 11 | Clouds | Very dusty atmosphere reported by WIYN and 4M LTO's for entire night. Closed right after getting brief flats. |
01/04/2025 | Yong Sheng | Clemson University | Dieter Hartmann | CCD BVRI | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | Clemson transients study. |
01/05/2025 | Gary Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | CCD & Spectrograph | 9 | 0 | No problems to report | No Problems, H-alpha monitoring M31 and Massive Star Spectra |
01/03/2025 | William Keel | University of Alabama | not even time for cats | ARC CCD | 1 | 11 | Clouds | Clouds thickened fast. Focus 533000, guider focus 32250. |
01/02/2025 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | na | ARC | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | EB program BVR filters. |
12/29/2024 | Billy Quarles | East Texas A&M University | None | CCD | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | Observed TESS eclipsing binaries |
12/28/2024 | Yong Sheng | Clemson University | Dieter Hartmann | CCD | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | Clemson blazar and transient study. |
12/19/2024 | Kaylee Grace | University of Delaware/MCAO | Millie Dill, Zach Savery | Andor CCD | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | Observed a pulsating white dwarf. No problems to report. |
12/19/2024 | Millie Dill | University of Delaware/MCAO | Kaylee Grace and Zachary Savery | CCD | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | |
12/17/2024 | Kaylee Grace | University of Delaware/MCAO | Millie Dill, Zach Savery | Andor CCD | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | Observed a pulsating white dwarf! No problems to report. |
12/14/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | na | ARC | 2.5 | 8 | Clouds | EB program. No probs, though focus seemed really high from last month. |
12/10/2024 | Xianming Han | Butler Univ | none | ccd | 9 | 2 | Software/Control PC Issues | eclipsing binaries.
The CCD computer rebooted itself for no apparent reasons. |
12/08/2024 | James Webb | Florida International University | none | CCD | 0 | 8 | Connection Issues | Blazars variability
Logged into camera and telescope computer early to take bias images. Then the ACE program on the telescope control computer failed to respond to commands. I could use other programs, but ACE refused to respond to any commands. Worked for a hour or so before giving up. I am using an old computer so it could have been communication issues with my PC and RADMIN. Tried to log into the SARA North computer with my office computer this morning and it will not respond.
Jim |
12/08/2024 | Martha Leake | Valdosta State University | Marissa Norlund and Romeo Montague | ARC CCD | 12 | 0.5 | Other | Students observed various objects; I observed asteroids and comets. East of the pier, we noted a trailing, probably not the same issue as the west (no problems there, and I reached 2.5 HA without problem; the short streak was similar to the old bounce that was observed after slewing and beginning too soon after. It was noticeable when beginning observations at the new location. Weather great, no information suggesting wind gusts. |
12/06/2024 | Ken Rumstay | VSU (Emeritus) | None | CCD camera | 12 | 1 | Clouds | AGN variability program. The KPNO 4-m operator reported domes closed at start of night, due to threatening clouds. Got the OK to open after about an hour.
The telescope tracking and pointing were good, but had some trouble identifying an optimum focus. At one point, advancing the focus setting by a few thousand didn't seem to result in any change in the image quality (FWHM). |
12/02/2024 | Michael Fauerbach | FGCU | NA | CCD | 8 | 0 | No problems to report | Asteroid photometry
it was a good night. |
12/04/2024 | Van Hamme | FIU | Samec | ARC Camera | 11 | 1 | No problems to report | Photometric observations of contact binaries, ASASSN-V J011224.78+324555.3 and ASASSN-V J070545.44+834129.8. |
11/29/2024 | Millie D. | University of Delaware and MCAO | Kaylee G., Zachary S. | CCD | 0 | 9 | Clouds | Observing pulsating white dwarf HL Tau 76. Thick cloud coverage -- reported to last the rest of the night. Did not attempt to open dome due to this. |
11/23/2024 | Yong Sheng | Clemson University | Dieter Hartmann | CCD | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | Student teaching, transient monitoring |
11/23/2024 | Billy Quarles | East Texas A&M University | None | Leach Camera | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | Eclipsing binaries. Excellent night, no problems to report. |
11/19/2024 | Yong Sheng | Clemson University | Dieter Hartmann | CCD | 11 | 1 | Other | The tracking went bad sometimes and it was unpredictable. The time lost due this issue. |
11/21/2024 | Hodari James | Agnes Scott College | Students | Arc Camera | 4-5 hours | 4 hours | Software/Control PC Issues | Observing variability of active K Dwarfs. Issues with the telescope Focus. Could not get it focused after the first hour. |
11/18/2024 | Todd R Vaccaro | Ball State University | Bob and Wyatt | ARC | 12 | .2 | Software/Control PC Issues | Eclipsing binaries. Early on, within the first hour or so of tracking on a target tracking was lost and auto dome switched off, lost a few data points in eclipse egress. No other problems except focusing issues. Also, the first attempt to move the telescope continues to hang and needs to be told twice. |
11/17/2024 | Gary D Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | CCD & Spectrograph | 11 | 0 | No problems to report | Spectroscopy of Massive Stars & Photometry of Exoplanet Light Curves, excellent night all-around |
11/13/2024 | Yong Sheng | Clemson University | 9 | ARC CCD BRIV | 9 | 0 | No problems to report | Teaching students for optical observing experience. |
11/16/2024 | Stephen Gillam | ERAU | Thomas Matney | ARC Camera | 6 | 0 | Humidity | Micro Variables |
11/09/2024 | Jadia Ewing | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | Stephen Gillam | SARA North 0.9-m Telescope | 9 | 0 | Other | A bit of trailing issues. Tends to trail to the right and had to correct for trailing. Other than this, it was good. |
11/08/2024 | Aarran Shaw | Butler University | N/A | Leach camera | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | CV candidates. Excellent night, no problems to report. |
11/07/2024 | William Keel | Unievrsity of Alabama | 3 cats | AFRC CCD | 6 | 0 | No problems to report | (2nd half of night after ASC observers, to whom I apologize for miscopying my own schedule entry) AGN ionized clouds. Focus 318000, guider focus 32050. |
11/07/2024 | Oralyn | Agnes Scott College | Dr. James | Kitt Peak Telescope | 4 | 0 | No problems to report | Observing Program: ASC PHY420 |
11/07/2024 | Samuel Quinutolo | Embry Riddle Aeronautical University | Jadia Ewinf | 2-1 Meter | 9 | 2 | Software/Control PC Issues | I am wrapping up and then started getting pop ups for anti virus software on the CCD Computer and the Telescope computer, I already wrote a report, but I have not seen this before and wanted to report this ASAP as I do not want to leave with potentially something harmful happening. |
11/07/2024 | Samuel Quinutolo | Embry Riddle Aeronautical University | Jadia Ewing | 2-1 Meter | 9 | 2 | No problems to report | Dome Shutter view camera is still down, we used low light exposures to ensure that the dome was closed after observation and stowed the telescope. |
11/05/2024 | William Keel | University of Alabama | 2 cats | ARC CCD | 11.5 | 0 | No problems to report | AGN-ionized clouds. Focus 325500, guider focus -600. (Lost one hour to feline exposure interference; I had forgotten that touching any key during an exposure will abort it, so stacking other windows on top may be wise). Guider focus was not changing with JOG buttons, even after re-initializing (which left it at focus 32050). |
11/05/2024 | Jadia Ewing | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | Samuel Quinutolo, Stephen Gillam | 2.1 meter | 9 | 0 | Other | Camera not connecting/could not connect to the observatory. Focusing a bit off. The focus would jump at about a factor of 10. Other than that, smooth observing. |
11/03/2024 | Matt Wood | A&M-Commerce | None | CCD | 0 | All | Clouds | Clouds expected until midnight, which was after my primary target would have set, so I offered up the night, but no takers. |
10/26/2024 | Xianming Han | Butler University | Basra, Erickson, Nixon, McDonough | ccd | 11 | 0 | No problems to report | eclipsing binaries |
10/25/2024 | Xianming Han | Butler University | Basra, Erickson, Nixon, McDonough | ccd | 11 | 0 | No problems to report | eclipsing binaries |
10/24/2024 | Xianming Han | Butler University | Basra, Erickson, Nixon, McDonough | ccd | 11 | 0 | No problems to report | eclipsing binaries |
10/23/2024 | Xianming Han | Butler University | Basra, Erickson, Nixon, McDonough | CCD | 11 | 0 | No problems to report | eclipsing binaries |
10/30/2024 | Tomomi Otani | ERAU | None | CCD | 7.5 | 0 | No problems to report | Hot subdwarf photometry time series |
10/29/2024 | Tomomi Otani | ERAU | None | CCD | 7 | 0 | No problems to report | Hot subdwarf photometry time series |
10/27/2024 | Aarran Shaw | Butler | None | Leach Camera | 10 | 0 | Software/Control PC Issues | Perfect night! Observed CVs and CV candidates.
Issue on telescope PC: Keyboard input wasn't working properly - I couldn't type numbers or capital letters. Very weird. Had to bring up the virtual keyboard on the PC. Could be issue with my Macbook (though everything worked fine on the camera PC) but I thought I'd report it. |
10/20/2024 | Gary Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | Spectrograph & CCD | 8 | 0 | No problems to report | Comet and Massive Star Spectra, M31 H-alpha nova monitoring. Spectra guiding worked very well, did have brief instance of ACE program losing communication with control card (a bit worrisome, it's getting OLD) |
10/18/2024 | Gary D Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | Spectrograph & CCD | 7.5 | 0 | No problems to report | Spectra of Comet Atlas, Massive Binary, M31 Nova monitoring |
10/13/2024 | Michael Fauerbach | FGCU | NA | CCD | 7 | 1 | Clouds | asteroid photometry. Full Moon and high clouds were not ideal, but no technical issues to report. |
10/11/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 0 | 11 | Connection Issues | Connected during the day to get flats, etc. CCD computer dropped off-line and could not connect to it or the observatory computer after that. No issues connecting to the telescope computer though-- it worked fine except that the CCD would not open through it either. |
10/09/2024 | Aarran Shaw | Butler | None | Leach Camera | 0 | All | Software/Control PC Issues | |
10/09/2024 | Matt Wood | A&M Commerce | None | CCD | 3 | 9 | Clouds | Clouds at beginning of night. In middle of night Camera computer rebooted itself with Virus Install as best as I can tell. This terminated the data collection. I couldn't find the restart instructions on either computer desktop. I restarted ACE on SARATEL, but when I tried to start the camera it had a failure mode. It's late enough in the night that I decided to give up. |
10/08/2024 | Matt Wood | A&M Commerce | None | CCD | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | Time series photometry of cataclysmic variables. Had a difficult time with getting a good focus. Ended at 338400 later in night through IR Block filter. |
10/06/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 11 | 0 | No problems to report | M31, Exoplanet. No problems. |
10/02/2024 | William Keel | University of Alabama | 4 cats | ARC CCD | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | AGN extended clouds. Focus 333000, guider focus 4000. Guide camera did some weirdness at the start of the night (multiple images, not cooling) but settled down and ran fine for ~6 hours (2 disconnections - if you catch it right away and reconnect, guiding can resume). Peter connected, changed Windows settings in device manager to not power down USB ports to save power. |
10/01/2024 | Ken Rumstay | VSU (Emeritus) | None | CCD camera | 0 | 12 | Clouds | I was unable to observe; I offered the night to anyone who could use it, but had no takers. That turns out to have been a moot point; apparently domes on the mountain were closed all night due to "threatening clouds". |
09/30/2024 | William Keel | University of Alabama | 2 cats | ARC CCD | 8.5 | 1.5 | Software/Control PC Issues | AGN extended ionized clouds. Focus 333500, guider focus 4000. Tonight featured an epic duel with the autoguider. Long email is being sent to Gary and Peter with details. Guider settings with ARC camera; X rate +1, Y rate +1, angle=0. |
09/28/2024 | Ken Rumstay | VSU (Emeritus) | None | CCD camera | 10.5 | 0 | No problems to report | AGN variability. Good night, though seeing was not the best. The telescope systematically points slightly east of target after slewing. Also, on a few occasions an exposure would self-abort soon after starting. Was able to restart each time. |
09/26/2024 | Xianming Han | Butler Univ | none | ccd | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | eclipsing binary |
09/23/2024 | Mariel Lares-Martiz | ERAU | Caballero-Nieves | Spectrograph | 2 | 7 | Other | Maxim DL crashed while trying to operate the spectrograph. Seemed to work fine when relaunched. Could not get the stars to focus on the fiber plate. The Fiber focus maxed out at 2491, but the stars were still donuts. We could not find the fiber (due to not trying in the early evening) so decided to close for the night. Did not seem to be at the same coordinates in the spectrograph guide book. |
09/23/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | N/a | ARC CCD | 9 | 0 | No problems to report | EB program and T CrB monitor |
09/20/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 0 | 8 | Humidity | Humidity-- never opened. |
09/17/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 4 | 5 | Humidity | The night started off clear but humidity began to rise so closed up around midnight. |
09/15/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 0 | 9 | Clouds | Clouds and Humidity-- never opened. |
09/15/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | N/a | Arc CCD | 5 | 6 | Clouds | Eclipsing binary. Tele PC still has a desktop resolution issue (no time to reboot machine to see if that fixes). Focus is hard to figure out, though clouds and humidity were a problem second half of the night (mnt closed b/c of humidity in the end). |
09/14/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | N/A | ARC ccd | 8.5 | 1.5 | Humidity | Eclipsing binary star, T CrB monitor B and V. Always seems like the first attempt to move the tele doesn't work, have to stop it and try GO again. CCD pc connection quit on my RADMIN window 3 or 4 times, tele maybe once. The Tele pc display through RADMIN was very large and no setting in RADMIN or the display resolutions on tele pc made a difference, but no time to reboot machine, so I suffered the scrolling bars to see all of ACE. Tracking was not very good in the last hour or so at HA 4+ and before 2 airmasses. Focus may not be the best as I was at 520,000 and over 3" seeing seemingly all night till reopening and pulling it back a few thousand to get nearly 2" for the rest of the night. |
09/11/2024 | Walter Van Hamme | FIU | Samec | CCD | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | Observations and analyses of short period Algols. ASASSN-V J223921. (Note: for some reason the entire image of the SARA observatory was not visible in Windows 10 and Windows 7 could not login in.)
09/11/2024 | Van Hamme | FIU | Samec | CCD | 7 | 4 | Equipment Failure | I shut down since the camera stopped taking images. I accidentally put in 2500 seconds for B and had to cancel and abort to change to the correct value and the camera stopped taking images. I forgot how to reset myself. Please reset for tomorrow. I took flats for myself and another observer.
09/07/2024 | Martha A. Leake | Valdosta State University | none | ARC CCD | 9 | 0.5 | No problems to report | Asteroid photometry for light curve and M31. Conditions were great, no storms as hinted by KPNO. Used JPL Horizons and SkyView Virtual Observatory to spot the asteroid. Pointing still west and south of center. Left the telescope in zenith park. Are the other stow positions still recommended? Thanks. |
09/04/2024 | Zach Savery | University of Delaware/MCAO | Kaylee Grace, Millie Dill | CCD | 9 | 0 | No problems to report | Photometric time series observations of G29-38 taken throughout the night. The dark frame counts are very similar to the bias frame ones. |
09/03/2024 | Zach Savery | University of Delaware/MCAO | Kaylee Grace, Millie Dill | CCD | 9 | 0 | No problems to report | Please ignore the previous 9/3 report, I messed up the date for the 9/2 observing. Photometric time series observations of G29-38 taken throughout the night. The dark frame counts seem to be at the same level as those for the bias frames. |
09/02/2024 | Zach Savery | University of Delaware/MCAO | Kaylee Grace, Millie Dill | CCD | 9 | 1 | Clouds | Cloudy during the first hour that target was observable. Telescope computer display was weirdly zoomed in. Photometric time series observations taken of G29-38 throughout the whole night. Kaylee fixed the telescope computer display issue. |
09/03/2024 | Zach Savery | University of Delaware/MCAO | Kaylee Grace, Millie Dill | CCD | 9 | 1 | Clouds | Cloudy during the first hour that object was observable. Telescope computer was displaying weird, very zoomed in. Photometric time series observations of G29-38 taken throughout the whole night. Kaylee fixed the display issue with the telescope computer. |
09/01/2024 | William Keel | University of Alabama | DragonCon Live Astronomy | ARC CCD | 6 | 0 | No problems to report | Outreach targets. Focus 506400, guide focus 3800. Dark current closer to std value. Guider disconnected when turned off after first target and would not reconnect later (didn't much want to do a ground-up system restart in front of an audience). 5m exposure tracked OK over most of sky. VNC, RAdmin both show only part of telescope computer display. |
08/31/2024 | William Keel | University of Alabama | DragonCon Space Track | AFC CCD | 0 | 5 | Clouds | Clouds never quite broke up enough during our half-night. |
08/30/2024 | William | University of Alabama | DragonCon Space Track | ARC CCD | 0.5 | 3 | Clouds | Outreach. Clouds allowed a quick set of flats but that was all. The dark current is about 80 ADU/hour rather than the usual ~2, while the Leach CCD connector client panel says -2 C and the ACE control panel says -89. That looks more like the higher temperature, or at least not what's usual around -90. |
07/15/2024 | Kaylee Grace | University of Delaware/MCAO | Easton Honaker, Tali Natan, Millie Dill | N/A | 0 | 8 | Clouds | Cloudy with a chance of rain. Not surprising since it was the last scheduled night before shutdown! |
06/27/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 6 | 1 | No problems to report | No problems although clouds rolled in about an hour before morning twilight. |
06/28/2024 | Kurtis Williams | TAMU-C | none | ARC camera | 0 | 7 | Clouds | Clouds shut mountain for entire night. |
06/24/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 0 | 7 | Clouds | Never opened due to clouds. |
06/21/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 0 | 7 | Clouds | Clouds and dust. |
06/20/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 0 | 7 | Clouds | Dust and clouds-- did not open. |
06/19/2024 | Kaylee Grace | University of Delaware/MCAO | Easton Honaker, Millie Dill, Tali Natan, Ben Mayhew, Zach Savery | CCD | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | Observed a hot Helium atmosphere WD. The filter wheel is quite dusty (at least the Bessel V that we used) and a cleaning of it the next time someone's at KP would be much appreciated. No issues other than that! |
06/15/2024 | Martha A. Leake | Valdosta State University | none | ARC CCD | 8.3 | 0 | No problems to report | Observed asteroid Heard and M57. Weather clear without smoke or dust. Noted pointing still to west slightly, but was able to find the subject in a busy field. According to WIYN data, seeing was 1 arc second, at least in second half. Used SkyView VIrtual Observatory and JPL Horizons Web to find and track asteroid. |
06/14/2024 | William | University of Alabama | 3 cats | ARC CCD | 7 | 0.5 | Equipment Failure | AGN with extended emission clouds. Focus 507000, guide focus 0. Guide camera disconnected soon after local midnight and I never did get it to reconnect with MaxIm. (I did not try the power cycling that has sometimes been needed before, because that also warms up the CCD and takes ~1 hour out of the night) |
06/13/2024 | Tomomi Otani | ERAU | None | CCD | 6 | 2 | Clouds | Hot Subdwarf photometry time series. No issue occurred. |
06/13/2024 | Oswalt | ERAU | Boyer, Reynolds, Curtis, McGinley | Andor Camera | 5 | 5 | Clouds | Smoke or dust contributed to problems. |
06/11/2024 | Sherman Losey | TAMUC | Fardowsa Abdulle, Kurtis Williams | ARC Camera | 6 | 0 | No problems to report | White Dwarf photometry
Good weather and no problems. |
06/07/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | N/A | ARC CCD | 8 | 0 | No problems to report | No real problems, but lost focus at end and never seemed to recover as good as it was. Best focus was around 2", seeing should've been at least that good. Eclipse timing in B and V with some early data on recurring nova T CrB pre outburst. |
06/05/2024 | Todd Hillwig | Valparaiso University | Leah Shafer, Hunter Wood | ARC CCD | 6 | 0 | No problems to report | Finished a little early...morning drive down to Tucson for our flight out. |
06/04/2024 | Todd Hillwig | Valparaiso University | Hunter Wood, Leah Shafer | ARC CCD | 8 | 0 | Software/Control PC Issues | Focus was still at non-physically high values. Ran to zero and reset. No focus problems after that. |
06/03/2024 | Todd Hillwig | Valparaiso University | Leah Shafer, Hunter Wood | ARC CCD | 8 | 0 | Software/Control PC Issues | The focus values ran away positive, eventually stopping at an encoder reading of 1269999. However, the actual telescope focus did not appear to change at all. Since the focus was good and we did not know what would happen if we attempted to change it, we did not do so. |
06/02/2024 | Todd Hillwig | Valparaiso University | Hunter Wood, Leah Shafer | ARC CCD | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | On site observing. No issues. |
06/01/2024 | Xianming Han | Butler University | none | CCD | 8.5 | 0 | No problems to report | eclipsing binary. The network for Kitt Peak is perfect today. |
05/31/2024 | Xianming Han | Butler University | none | CCD | 8 | 0.5 | Connection Issues | eclipsing binary.
The Internet connection to both telescope and CCD computers are slow and keeps disconnecting. This did not happen on the previous day. |
05/30/2024 | Xianming Han | Butler University | none | CCD | 8.5 | 0 | No problems to report | eclipsing binary |
05/29/2024 | Kent Montgomery | A&M-Commerce | Caitlin Bell, Eloise Bradicich | CCD | 8 | 0 | No problems to report | No problems |
05/28/2024 | Kent Montgomery | A&M-Commerce | Caitlin Bell, Eloise Bradicich | CCD | 6 | 0 | No problems to report | Some thin clouds early but cleared up nicely |
05/23/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | Everything worked well-- a few high cirrus clouds passed by this morning, but didn't cause any issues. |
05/21/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | Robert Berrington | ARC CCD | 8 | 0 | No problems to report | Tested the spectrograph, noted that the instructions show a figure of the FLI CCD at 10 deg C and large dark current obscurred long exposures of faint spectra, so set to -40 and seemed to fix. Initially moving the telescope required it to be sent to the target twice before it would move.
EB program for eclipse timings and light curves with spectra for velocities and detecting certain elements. |
05/19/2024 | Gary D Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | Spectrograph & CCD | 8 | 0 | No problems to report | Another excellent night with all equipment working well. |
05/18/2024 | Kaylee Grace | University of Delaware/MCAO | Millie Dill, Easton Honaker, Tali Natan, Zach Savery | CCD | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | Observed a pulsating white dwarf. Stunning night! |
05/16/2024 | Gary D Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | Spectrograph & CCD | 8 | 0 | No problems to report | All working fine tonight, weather cleared just after sunset. |
05/15/2024 | Kurtis Williams | TAMU-C | none | ARC | 2.5 | 5 | Clouds | White dwarf time series photometry. Nice start to night until clouds rolled in (forecast was for mostly clear skies, but storms formed over the mountains) |
05/14/2024 | Ken Rumstay | VSU (Emeritus) | None | CCD imager | 9.5 | 0 | No problems to report | AGN variability program. The telescope tracking was very good. When slewing to a new object, the telescope points slightly northwest of target. Optimum focus (V filter) = 787000 at an ambient temperature of 55 Fahrenheit. |
05/13/2024 | Kaylee Grace | University of Delaware/MCAO | Millie Dill, Easton Honaker, Tali Natan, Zach Savery | CCD | 8 | 1 | Clouds | Observed a pulsating WD. Too cloudy at the beginning of the night, but once it cleared up about an hour or two in we were good for the rest of the night! |
05/12/2024 | Kaylee Grace | University of Delaware/MCAO | Millie Dill, Easton Honaker, Zach Savery | CCD | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | We observed a pulsating WD for the night. |
05/11/2024 | Kaylee Grace | University of Delaware | Millie Dill, Easton Honaker, Zach Savery | CCD0 | 10 | 0 | Software/Control PC Issues | We observed a pulsating WD for the night. The filter wheel could use a cleaning. At one point the camera computer said it was restarting and then turned off. It had to be cycled to come back on but after that, we had no issues. |
05/10/2024 | Jim Webb | FIU | none | CCD | 2 | 5 | Connection Issues | Blazar microvariablity
local network a little flakey, worried about losing connection before closing dome.
05/09/2024 | Tomomi Otani | ERAU | none | CCD | 7 | 0 | No problems to report | Photometry time series. It was a great night. |
05/07/2024 | William Keel | University of Alabama | 3 cats | ARC CCD | 9 | 0 | No problems to report | Giant ionized clouds around AGN. Focus 783000, guider focus 25000. |
05/06/2024 | Aarran Shaw | Butler University | None | Leach Camera | 5 | 3 | Other | Delayed opening due to WIYN weather report saying there was dust/smoke. Managed to open at 0630 UT, observed one known intermediate polar and another suspected intermediate polar. Once open, conditions were good! |
05/03/2024 | Xianming Han | Butler Univ | none | ccd | 8 | 0 | No problems to report | eclipsing binary |
05/02/2024 | Xianming Han | Butler Univ | none | ccd | 8 | 0 | No problems to report | eclipsing binaries |
05/01/2024 | Xianming Han | Butler University | none | ccd | 7.5 | 0 | No problems to report | eclipsing binary |
04/30/2024 | Matt Wood | A&M Commerce | NA | CCD | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | Time series AM CVn and DQ Her. No problems. Great night. |
04/29/2024 | Matt Wood | A&M Commerce | NA | CCD | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | Good night. Sub arc sec seeing with IR Block filter. Focus 781316 with outside temp 15 C |
04/27/2024 | Gary D Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | Spectrograph & CCD | 9 | 0 | No problems to report | Another excellent night for weather and equipment all working fine. |
04/24/2024 | Gary Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | Spectrograph & CCD | 9 | 0 | No problems to report | Excellent clear night, telescope and all instruments working fine. |
04/21/2024 | Stephen Gillam | ERAU | Siriah Eaglin, Sally Kingan | ARC Camere | 7 | 3 | Software/Control PC Issues | Microvariables. Two hours from sunrise the camera client failed. The camera did not download. I closed and restarted the camera client. I was able to take a series of images without incident. Then the temperature readout flipped to -1000. The camera was still reading out and the background appeared normal so the camera had not warmed up. Then the filter wheel #1 started moving on its own. I reinitialized #1 wheel and it worked for a few minutes. Then the ACE client failed and the dome control failed. I closed and restarted the ACE telescope control and everything worked again. I also closed and restarted the Leach Camera client on the camera computer. The dome interface reported that it was ajar though I had not tried to close it. I then closed the dome and it appeared to work correctly. All the clients are functioning again. |
04/20/2024 | Gillam | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Universty | Barnier, Eaglin | ARC Camera | 9 | 0 | Clouds | Microvariables. Scattered clouds from 11-12 MST. Poor RA tracking in last half of observation. focus = 765382. |
04/13/2024 | Martha A. Leake | Valdosta State University | none | ARC CD | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | Asteroid photometry and Eagle Nebula. All worked well and weather was good, too. Pointing was very good. |
04/12/2024 | William Keel | University of Alabama | 4 cats | ARC CCD | 9 | 0 | No problems to report | Ionized clouds around AGN. Focus 765000. Guide focus 0; found bad values in guider speed/angle; reset to xspeed +1, yspeed +1, angle=0. |
03/28/2024 | Gary D Henson | Clouds | Poor Weather all night, never opened. | |||||
03/25/2024 | Gary D Henson | Clouds | Poor Weather all night, never opened | |||||
03/23/2024 | Gary D Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | CCD | 0 | 9 | Clouds | Poor Weather all night, never opened. |
03/27/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 4 | 0 | No problems to report | Early morning-- no real issues, but the telescope drifts N/S a little when pointing around an elevation of 45 degrees (or lower) toward the west. |
03/20/2024 | Nayra Rodriguez | IAC | Alejandra Goded (IAC) | ARC CCD | 4.5 | 0 | No problems to report | Student research projects on exoplanet transit and SN follow-up, 2nd half night. Focus 720464. |
03/16/2024 | Martha A. Leake | Valdosta State University | none | ARC | 0 | 12 | Other | Schedule conflicts on my end, and no responses from others to observe. Humidity may have been too high, according to present KPNO weather report; cloudy at present (1:45 pm Sunday, Mar. 17). Did not observe night of Mar. 16, 2024. |
03/13/2024 | Millie Dill | University of Delaware | Kaylee Grace, Easton Honaker, Zach Savery | Andor CCD | 7.5 | 0 | Other | V filter on wheel one needs to be cleaned. It's splotchy and dusty, so flats aren't great. |
03/11/2024 | William Keel | University of Alabama | 3 cats | ARC CCD | 10 | 1 | Clouds | AGN-ionized clouds around galaxies. Focus 721000, guider focus 27250. |
03/10/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | N/A | ARC | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | EB's. |
03/07/2024 | William Keel | University of Alabama | No time for any cats | ARC CCD | 0 | 11 | Humidity | KPNO weather status continues to list humidity, threatening clouds, and snow. I can take a hint. |
03/06/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 3 | 0.5 | Humidity | No issues-- humidity shot up rapidly just before twilight began so closed up. |
03/04/2024 | Walter Van Hamme | FIU | Samec | CCD | 11 | 0 | No problems to report | Observations of near contact binaries. ASASSN-V J070545.44+834129.8 and second binary to round out the night. All went well. |
03/02/2024 | Van Hamme | FIU | Samec | CCD | 0 | 10 | Other | I am not sure if it was from the Texas Fires but I could not get images. I observe tomorrow also. |
02/29/2024 | Millie Dill | University of Delaware | Kaylee Grace, Easton Honaker | Andor CCD | 9 | 0 | No problems to report | Observed white dwarf EC14012-1446. |
02/27/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | N/A | ARC | 0 | 12 | Clouds | EB's. Threatening clouds, never opened. |
02/20/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 0 | 8 | Clouds | Clouds-- never opened. |
02/23/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | Gary Henson | CCD | 7 | 0 | No problems to report | Variable stars, open cluster |
02/21/2024 | Maddy Buisch | Agnes Scott College | Elliot Arp, Linda Ho, Isabelle Adams, Isabel Masawi, Hodari James | CCD | 2 | 0 | No problems to report | Observed Orion nebula and Oyster nebula. First time taking images of sky objects for most of our observers. Note: the dome shutter takes a long time to open and close. |
02/06/2024 | Terry Oswalt | ERAU | n/a | CCD | 0 | 12 | Clouds | Never opened dome, due to clouds, wind, humidity, snow and rain on mountain. |
02/19/2024 | Alejandra Goded | Instituto Astrofísico de Canarias | Nayra Rodríguez | ARC CCD | 6 | 0 | No problems to report | Student research projects on exoplanet transit, 2nd half night. |
02/19/2024 | Martha A. Leake | Valdosta State University | none | ARC CCD | 0 | 0 | Other | Submitted KP report with the current date that morning, 2/18. After Ken's email, I realized that I should have changed the date to enter the starting date, 2/17/2024. Other comments filed are OK. |
02/18/2024 | Ken Rumstay | VSU (Emeritus) | None | CCD camera | 10.5 | 0 | No problems to report | AGN photometric observations. No equipment problems; bright sky (gibbous Moon) and thin cirrus all night. |
02/18/2024 | Martha A. Leake | Valdosta State University | none | ARC CCD | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | Asteroid photometry and NGC 4216. No problems with any system. A joy to observe again. |
02/13/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 1 | 0.5 | Equipment Failure | Logged on this morning to check the status of the telescope-- no one was using it so I logged on for a couple of morning targets-- first set of images were fine, but when I moved to the second target they came out looking like biases. Changed filters and changed pointing to verify, but they came out the same way. |
02/11/2024 | Robert Berrington | Ball State Univeristy | none | arc | 0 | 10 | Connection Issues | Upon first attempt to connect to the machines, none were responding. It was later determined that the observatory had seen a significant power outage. The machines were subsequently turned on, and the CCD cooling was reinstated. It took the remainder of the evening for the CCD to cool to the point where it would be useful so I did not open. |
02/11/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | N/A | ARC | 0 | 12 | Snow | Snowed in, never opened. |
02/09/2024 | Kaylee Grace | UDel/MCAO | Tali Natan, Easton Honaker, Millie Dill | Spectrograph | 0 | 12 | Equipment Failure | Too humid to open and bad weather. Spectrograph wouldn't work, ThAr lamp wouldn't produce images well and the buttons to manually move it around were greyed out, pointing to a likely issue. |
02/08/2024 | William Keel | University of Alabama | None | ARC CCD | 0 | 12 | Clouds | KPNO status lists high humidity, dripping domes, threatening clouds, rain, snow, ice on domes, fog, and dangerous conditions. |
02/05/2024 | Van Hamme | FIU | Samec | CCD | 0 | 12 | Clouds | Heavy clouds tonight. Observations were to continue from last night. |
02/04/2024 | Van Hamme | FIU | Samec | CCD | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | Observations of 2 eclipsing binaries. ASASSN-V J051407.35+010227.4 a short period Algol and GSC 4968 0751, WUma System. |
01/30/2024 | Kaylee Grace | University of Delaware/MCAO | Tali Natan, Easton Honaker | Spectrograph | 10 | 0 | No problems to report | Took spectra of two massive stars. We had to reset the Spectrograph at the beginning of the night because it wasn't connecting correctly but we had no issues after that. |
01/30/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | N/A | ARC | 0 | 12 | Clouds | Eb's, but high clouds all night with bright moon, so never opened. |
01/27/2024 | Tomomi Otani | ERAU | Erin Abraham, Adrian Moraga | CCD | 1 | 7 | Humidity | Public Outreach
Focus was off. We only spent one hour before we closed the dome due to high humidity so we could not find the right focus. |
01/25/2024 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 0 | 8 | Humidity | High humidity-- never opened. |
01/23/2024 | Gary Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | Spectrograph & CCD | 0 | 9 | Humidity | High Humidity, threatening clouds/rain, Never Opened. |
01/22/2024 | Yong Sheng | Clemson University | Dieter Hartmann | Andor griz | 0 | 11 | Humidity | Very cloudy and humidity was too high to open the dome. |
01/21/2024 | Gary D Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | Spectrograph & CCD | 0 | 9 | Humidity | High Humidity, threatening clouds/rain, Never Opened. |
01/20/2024 | Martha A. Leake | Valdosta State University | none | ARC | 0 | 12 | Clouds | Asteroid photometry. Cloudy, with showers likely later. 100% cloud cover falling to 90, from 10-11, and 70-60% from 1-3. Never opened. Operations and set up had no problems. |
01/18/2024 | Kaylee Grace | University of Delaware/MCAO | Tali Natan, Patrick Stanley, Millie Dill, Zach Savery | Spectrograph | 8 | 0 | No problems to report | First time attempting the use the spectrograph. Couldn't line up our objects on the fiber, likely due to our own inexperience. Clear night, but no data taken other than some calibration frames. |
01/20/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | N/A | ARC | 0 | 12 | Clouds | Too cloudy to open. |
01/15/2024 | William Keel | University of Alabama | 3 cats | ARC CCD | 11 | 0 | No problems to report | AGN-ionized clouds. At start, focus readout was 1194394 and drifting upward (out of range so could not do focus jogs). Rezeroed focus position and encoder, and focus was 463000. Guider focus close to 0. |
01/13/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | n/a | ARC | 12.5 | 0 | No problems to report | eclipsing binaries in BVR. Some high thin clouds during the middle of the night for couple hours, but not too bad. |
01/08/2024 | Stephen Gillam | ERAU | Divyeshwari Vansadia | ARC Camere | 12 | 0 | No problems to report | Micro-variables in open clusters. The weather stations available (WIYN 2.1-m etc.) don't work reliably. The SARA 0.9-m weather station doesn't work at all. |
01/07/2024 | Stephen Gillam | ERAU | Divyeshwari Vansadia | ARC Camera | 4 | 6 | Snow | Micro-variables in open clusters. Blowing snow, fog, high humidity. The weather stations available (WIYN 2.1-m etc.) don't work reliably. The SARA 0.9-m weather station doesn't work at all. |
01/07/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | n/a | ARC | 4 | 7 | Clouds | Eclipsing binary program. Radmin crashed several times on me and at one point I couldn't reach either the tele or the ccd machines and at the same time the KP weather pages and all sky camera pages were unreachable as well for about 15 minutes. Clouds were the primary loss of time. |
01/03/2024 | Todd Vaccaro | Ball State University | N/A | ARC | 10 | 2 | Clouds | Eclipsing binaries. clouds shut mnt down for about an hour late in the evening, but opened back up for the last couple hours. First bias was odd looking with dark vertical band in middle of frame (posted image on Discord), but the rest looked fine. On a previous night I took long/short flats and attempted to make a bad pixel map since there are a couple columns that appear bad, but they didn't come out in my maps, so maybe someone else could try and share? I have stellar comps that run into them over the course of the night as things meander. |
12/30/2023 | Gary D Henson | ETSU | Rutherford | CCD & Spectrograph | 9 | 0 | No problems to report | Massive Star Spectroscopy and M31 H-a monitoring |
12/28/2023 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 6 | 0 | No problems to report | M31, variable stars |
12/27/2023 | Gary D Henson | ETSU | none | spectrograph | 0 | 9 | Clouds | Thick cirrus clouds moved in around twilight, expected to stay most of night. |
12/21/2023 | Tom Rutherford | ETSU | None | CCD | 7 | 0 | No problems to report | No Problems. M31, variable stars. |
12/20/2023 | Gary D Henson | ETSU | none | Spectrograph | 7 | 4 | Humidity | Spectroscopy of Massive Stars - ACE didn't need night for engineering, checked out all systems after recent ccd glitch and overall observatory operation - Good |
12/19/2023 | Terry Oswalt | ERAU | n/a | Leach CCD | 0 | 14 | Clouds | Gyrochronology project. Did not open dome due to threatening clouds. No other telescopes on the mountain opened either. |
12/18/2023 | Walter Van Hamme | FIU | Samec | CCD | 0 | 10 | Clouds | There were clouds but since the camera was just reopened, the focus could have been very far off. |
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